Sieving Technique

Concept Explanation

Sieving Technique

The method of separating the components of a mixture that are of different sizes by using a sieve is called sieving. When the size of particle it too small to be picked by hand or when the quantity is too large, sieving is used for separating substances. A sieve which has holes of proper size should be used. The bigger particles are retained by the sieve whereas the smaller ones pass through it. In this Process the difference in size of particles in a mixture is used to separate them. For example; this method is used for separating bran from flour, sand from gravel, pearls of different sizes, etc.



Sample Questions
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Question : 1

The method that we use to separate tea leaves from tea ?

Right Option : A
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Question : 2

In a mixture, solids of different size can be separated by ______

Right Option : C
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Question : 3

The method of separating the components of a mixture that are of ____________ sizes by using a sieve is called sieving

Right Option : A
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